Friday, December 29, 2006

Fast Times and blogging

The other day I was watching Fast Times at Ridgemont High, which of course includes Damone, the ticket scalper, and his Five Point Plan for dealing with women as told to The Rat, Mark Ratner:

#1 - First of all, Rat... never let on how much you like a girl.

#2 - Two. Always call the shots.

#3 - Three. Act like wherever you are, that's the place to be. Isn't this great?

#4 - Four. When ordering food, find out what she wants and then order for both of you... it's a classy move. And the lady will have...

#5 - Five. And this is most important. When you get down to making out, whenever possible, put on the first side of Led Zeppelin IV.

- There was a point in my life, circa age 16, where all of this sounded like a good idea. That’s embarrassing. However, fast forward to the present where Damone has inspired me to look at a Five Point Plan to writing an NBA blog. This would have been helpful to me 4 months ago.

#1 – First of all, write some quality posts and get on It’s a good way to get out there and simultaneously see what else is out there.

#2 – Two. Read the beat writers covering your team. In addition to injury reports and actual basketball information they have great anecdotes that show players’ personalities.

#3 – Three. Read Hoops Hype and True Hoop. While it’s important to know your team, you want to keep up with what’s going on with the Association and basketball in general.

#4 – Four. Watch the Wire. Though not necessarily a direct link all sorts of folks who love the NBA push it strongly. Although personally I’m still stuck on Arrested Development.

#5 – Five. And this is most important. Watch your team. This should go without saying but it is important. If possible see them live as well. You have to live it. So I should probably stay out of

Honorable mention:

- Try to pick a team that is not already heavily blogged about. Whoops.

- Play seasons of NBA Live 95. Why? Why not? Touche.

- Possibly incite influential bloggers to harass you. Although I have no idea who actually wrote this.

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