I did four things to celebrate this victory.
1. Watched the Delonte West commercial from above. Almost goes without saying.

2. Warning - Fat Person Moment: Ate some Teddy Grahams with some leftover Rainbow Chip frosting (I recommend this frosting for Funfetti cake) in an ode to the Dunkaroos of my youth.
3. Thought about going outside. Then I came to my senses. It's way too cold outside.
4. Considered adding Gerald Green for the third of fourth time this season for my fantasy squad.
I love dunkeroos. I think they should bring them back in time for the dunk contest in Vegas. Picture it...Gerald Green, new spokesperson for duneroos, pulls the sweetest dunk ever. A great snack is back and a new legend is made!
Betty Crocker...Reebok...Betty Crocker...Reebok...Why not both? I see your point.
Ah, I had Gerald for a few days on my squad...dropped him for Rudy Gay once Gay began starting. And hey, Rudy dropped 31 today. Right move? Hope so.
Gerald is inconsistent and Rudy Gay seems to be getting regular minutes, which is half the battle. Also Gay seems to care right now and I've heard that's not always a given.
I hate Gay. I wouldn't want him in my locker room and if he was I would stay away from him.
Timmy "Skillz" Hardaway.
I guess that had to be said. The interesting thing is that Hardaway's legacy changed overnight. He went from being part of Run TMC, a legitimate force in NBA Live 95, and one of the centerpieces of those Knicks/Heat playoff battles. Now he's the guy who hates gay people and it banned from All Star weekend. And if you listen to the interview you realize that Lebatard gave him the out just as Lobel tried to give it to Bob Ryan with the Jason Kidd thing and Hardaway pressed ahead anyways. Crazy stuff.
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