"Coach, you gonna watch the XFL tonight?" - Player
"Oh yeah, you could put a bunch of blind midgets out there, and if they were playing football, I’d watch." – Coach
However, if dunk contests are not your thing skip to the 3:52 mark where Richardson throws down a pretty ridiculous reverse. Shortly after Richardson celebrates with then t

“You know how I always throw my jersey into the stands after a game? In Washington, they just go crazy for it. So in this commercial, that's what I'm gonna do with my shoes. I've just hit a game winner, and I throw these shoes. Everyone starts to react, and you see everything in slow motion. Everyone's pushing, shoving, doing whatever it takes to try to get to these shoes. People from the 400 level, they're jumping off the ledge, they're missing the pile, hitting nothing but chairs, and you can just see in people's faces like, Ooooh, that hurt. While all this stuff's going on, one of the shoes pops out of the crowd, and a little girl gets it and she takes off. A couple of people see she has it, and they start chasing her, and she's looking back running—and then she gets clotheslined by a kid in a wheelchair. So he picks the shoe up and says—he's gonna have the only line in there—"They said I couldn't get it. Heh. Impossible is nothing." And then he rolls off.” – Gilbert Arenas shoe commercial idea.
Special thanks to Deadspin, True Hoop and of course Esquire for the epic Gilbert Arenas profile.
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