Now that pre-season games are over and opening night is just under a week a way, it will be interesting to watch what stories dominate the next six days. You can expect media coverage in some way, shape or form of trade rumors, Telfair’s ill fated trip to Justin’s, Pierce’s finger, roster cuts, the young Celtics and Ratliff’s back. However, as Mark Murphy’s recent article shows Tony Allen’s
contract status deserves some focus as well. The Celtics have until October 31st to pick up the option on Allen’s contract as they did with his draft classmates, Delonte West and Al Jefferson. Although of the three only Allen has a pending trial. Currently Danny Ainge remains vague and non committal while Allen is saying all the right things and focusing on basketball and Playstation. In the words of Homer Simpson,
“Now we play the waiting game. Aw the waiting game sucks. Let’s play Hungry Hungry Hippo!”
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