Monday, March 19, 2007

Agent 0

It's been a long strange journey for Gilbert Arenas. I would break his season down into 3 sections:

1. He came out struggling a bit (minus the Wizards' home opener against the C's when he was on fire) and people wondered if he was focused.

2. He caught fire with some game winners and scoring explosions.

3. He calmed down a bit, had a dispute with his coach, and struggled with Antawn Jamison and then Caron Butler missing time.

- I'm not sure what the next step is for Arenas basketball wise. Meanwhile, he is a blogging sensation that people seem to love or hate. Whatever your view, you have to admit that the man is consistent. I admit that I'm biased but his blog is always entertaining. Definitely check out "My New Catchphrase" and "I have a story for you". While reading the latter keep in mind that he once licked off the powder off a bunch of donuts, covered them in baby powder, and gave them to the Golden State Warriors veterans. Translation - do you really want to start a locker room prank war with him?

- I'll close with this: There are not a lot of people in this world who celebrate the birth of a child on a blog and also post the following under the title "Extracurricular Activities" about All Star weekend, "There’s a lot of women here. I’m going to try to throw that fishing pole out there and see what I can get. As long as I don’t get a tire…or a boot."

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