“Four times! Watching the game at home no less, and four times I heard Rasheed Wallace say ‘Ball don't lie’ after a missed free throw. In case you are unfamiliar, Old Grey-Spot unleashes his catchphrase after an opponent misses a free throw garnered via a dubious foul call on the Pistons.”
I don’t want to know these things. I need to know these things. And for the record Sheed has given us CTC (Cut the check), Serbian gangsta (Darko), and now “Ball don’t lie”. He’s such a giver.
Now I know what you are thinking. What does the move mean? Well I will still write for Celtics Blog from time to time. Check out my latest post here. I spent an inordinate amount of time on that piece and ended up with a barely coherent post that is all over the place. Although I think it’s safe to say I won the award for most reactionary post following the Bobcats debacle last week. So I’ve got that going for me…which is nice. However, most of my time and effort will be focused on the new site – greenbandwagon.com. As a bonus it gives you the reader a great opportunity to participate. I'm hoping you can help me attract a passionate Celtics community.
So thank you for following Celtics Bandwagon, please keep reading, write a diary (you'll understand when you check out Green Bandwagon), and tell your friends. In closing, I will leave you with the image I used in my very first post back in September. Why? Why not? Touché. Actually the real answer is I never get tired of McHale close lining Kurt Rambis. I know you agree.